Tag: fellowship groups

Fellowship Groups resume

Fellowship Groups resume

Our Fellowship Groups restart this week (with the exception of the Thursday group which starts next week). This session we’re using a DVD resource called ‘Chat Around the Bible’ which helps us to think biblically about the following topics:

  1. Prayer
  2. Evangelism
  3. Christian growth
  4. Materialism
  5. Applying the Bible
  6. Spiritual things

If you’d like to find out more, please speak to Ross.

Group starting dates

Group starting dates

Our Church groups will start back following the Summer break as follows:

ABC Toddlers
Monday 26 and Tuesday 27 August
The session will start with welcome and registration. For information speak to Lorna (Monday) or Deborah (Tuesday).

JAM (Jesus and Me)
Thursday 29 August
This group is open to anybody of Primary School age. For information, please speak to Robert or Eleanor.

Tuesday Service
Tuesday 3 September
A short service at 12.30pm in the main Church building. All are welcome!

Ladies’ Prayer Group
Wednesday 4 September
This runs from 10am in the Church hall, all ladies welcome.

Youth Fellowship
Friday 6 September
Starting at 7.30pm in the Church hall, all young people of high school age are welcome.

Sunday 8 September
The Kids trip to Edinburgh Zoo will take place on Saturday 14 September and will cost £5/child. For information speak to Vanessa.

Fellowship Groups
Wednesday 18 and Thursday 19 September
If you’d like to join a group, please speak to Ross or any of the leaders.

Fellowship Groups – Spring 2013

Fellowship Groups – Spring 2013

Our Fellowship Groups will resume in March and will be using the resource “Bold I Approach”.

The session will consist of six studies focusing on prayer – one of the greatest blessings and often one of the greatest challenges of the Christian life.

The groups will again meet every other Wednesday and Thursday from 6 March onwards. The sessions are as follows:

  1. God and us
  2. The essence of prayer
  3. What use is talk?
  4. God’s fellow-workers
  5. How to pray in 52 words or less
  6. Prayer from our side

The last session on 29/30 May will be a social event.

If you would like to join a Fellowship Group, please speak to Ross.